We all inherit many qualities from our moms – some by nature and others through nurture. As Mother’s Day approaches, our staff is sharing a few things our moms passed on to us.

  • I inherited my mother’s voice. People often think, when speaking to me over the phone, that I am my mother. My mom uses her voice powerfully. As a physician, she communicates with patients; as a volunteer, she canvasses for change; and as a synagogue lay leader, she welcomes others into her community. I like to think that even if I can’t always perceive it, I use my voice in some of the ways she uses hers. – Becca B., community health educator 
  • I inherited my mother’s compassion. My mother always cared for the people around her selflessly. Her ability to forgive and move forward is something I have always admired and try to emulate. I am able to look at others with compassion and grow as an empathetic person because of my mother. – Becca S., administrative assistant 
  • I inherited my mother’s laughter. I could pick out my mother’s distinct laugh in a noisy room. When she laughs she does so with her entire body; her shoulders move up and down and her mouth is open so wide that her eyes close. Making her laugh is one of life’s small joys. – Carol, program associate 
  • I inherited brown eyes from both of my parents, but it’s my mother whom I credit for my critical eye. A skeptic to her core, my mother ingrained in me the value of always examining statements closely, and even more closely when the source sounds confident. – Jason, executive director 
  • I inherited my mother’s love for shopping. We can’t walk away from a good deal! – Melissa, genetic counselor 
  • When I look into the mirror I see my mom’s reflection: I inherited her hair, her face and her mannerisms. However, best of all I inherited her optimism and caring for others. – Paula, associate VP, JUF 
  • I inherited many things from my mom, including a sense of Tikkun Olam. My mom lives this value, always pursuing social justice and trying to make the world a better place for others. I also have her need for organization and curly hair. – Sarah, assistant director

Whether your mother is near or far or a blessed memory, take a few minutes this weekend to reflect on items, traits and conditions that have been passed down in your family. Maybe it’s a special recipe from grandma to mom to you or maybe you inherited your mother’s hair color. But also take note of any health conditions that may run in your family so you can share this information with your doctor. There’s no better way to honor mom than by protecting your health and the health of your family.

Happy Mother’s Day to you and yours!

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