Rabbinical Insights

Rabbinical Insights2023-08-01T19:12:01+00:00

Rabbis can provide knowledge and guidance to help you navigate sometimes-difficult conversations and decisions about Jewish genetics and related interventions. Keep in mind that rabbinical perspectives may vary based on the denomination of Judaism observed. Your local rabbi is a valuable resource to guide you through decision-making around these topics.

More information coming soon about halacha and genetic testing, assisted reproductive technologies, and more.

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Jewish Genetic Disorders FAQs

Learn more about genetics and specific Jewish genetic recessive disorders—including those more common among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

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Genetic Disorders Included on Our Screening Panel

Our screening panel tests for 226 recessive conditions, including over 100 conditions more common among people with Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Our panel also includes an additional 12 X-linked conditions for women, including Fragile X syndrome. You can learn more about each of the conditions on the panel by browsing or searching the database below. If you have any questions, you can learn more about our carrier screening program or contact us at geneticscreening@juf.org or 312-357-4718 to speak to a genetic counselor. (Please note: this database is a work in progress and you might not find all conditions at this time.)

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Get Screened

Planning for a family? Our affordable, accessible carrier screening program allows most participants to get screened from home.

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